
"Unique pressure vessel "

Purchase Protection Plan

EB-10, EB-15, EB-35 Electric Steamer

Most advanced technology incorporating float switch controls


  • Automatic Electrical Steamer available in various versions for upto 8 irons.
  • Most advanced technology incorporating float switch controls for continuous steaming unaffected by voltage variations.
  • Unique pressure vessel with optional built in condensate separator for conpletely dry steam.
  • Modular operation allows right amount of steam at no extra power consumption.
  • Detachable stainless steel elements are protected by thermostats.
  • Various safety devices for high pressure control, built in excessive steam release valve & dry cut out systems & buzzer.

Technical Specifications

Model PB 08 PB 15 EB 10 EB 15 EB 35
Steam pressure bar 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0
Pump hp --- ---- 1.0 1.0 1.0
Power kw 3.0 4.0 7.0 14.0 21-28
Capacity irons 1 1-2 2 4 6-8
Voltage volts 220 220 380 380 380
Dimensions mm 305x380x430 355x405x460 460x485x660 460x485x660 915x815x875
Weight kg 12 18 40 76 210

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